At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance.
香港出租车夜晚拉客常常遇鬼,比如夜车司机林中发(古天乐饰)就差点载一女鬼(罗兰饰)前往荃湾,而同事“快车长”(雷宇杨饰)却遇见某女扮鬼诈骗,随后又载真女鬼前往和合石火葬场。嗜赌成性的林中发收工后被追债上门,为躲赌债不得已携妻子(李蕙敏饰)和儿子安仔搬入阴阳路上某廉价大屋,却发现房中闹鬼,吓得安仔夜夜哭泣不停。林中发向屋中鬼魂(吴毅将饰)赌咒发誓,若帮他畅通财路,便愿将自己所有一切分半同享。第二日,林中发发现屋中出现一组神秘数字,从此他所向披靡,逢赌必胜;但林中发没想到的是,屋中鬼魂要分的不仅是他的财富,还有他的妻子和儿子…… 本片是《阴阳路》系列的第五部作品。
On a frozen highway in the remote Canadian North, an Indigenous woman and her dog are hunted by a stranger in a semi truck.
Faris, who had just returned from his duty as a soldier. Instead of being warm, his return was actually greeted with a request for divorce from his wife, Ratna.
At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance.
1)因和同学打赌赌输,朴贞元、云贞等三个女孩被迫潜入传说中闹鬼的废弃校舍内探险。她们战战兢兢、心慌意乱,闹出不少自己吓自己的笑话。然而,女孩们的吵闹惊动了此前曾死在这里的一个女孩的怨灵,她似乎有意将这三个冒失的闯入者留在这里。 2)圆圆和齐齐是一对情同姐妹的好朋友,但是她们的友情正受到严峻的考验。她们同时喜欢上帅气的学生会主席,也因成绩优秀将共同角逐校长的推荐升学资格。一切朝着不可预测的方向发展。 3)高中男孩具有敏感体质,他能看到周围的鬼魂。他在教室中被一个少女的鬼魂缠上,女孩死于非命,而杀害她的凶手的鬼魂不久也尾随前来……
A group of friends trapped in a vintage villa only to find out it is the nest of the Indonesian demon Mak Lampir, who plays death games to become the most beautiful and eternal human being.